10 Health Benefits Of Eating Romaine Lettuce


Romaine Lettuce is such an important Super Food that a Greek island is named after it. Romaine lettuce is a delicious and crispy leafy green. In the United States, it’s primarily grown in California, making romaine lettuce widely available in the country throughout the year. Romaine lettuce is extremely low in calories and best for those who want to lose their weight. Because of it’s fiber content and high water content it helps to cleanse and remove waste in the digestive system.

Romaine Lettuce Nutrition Value

Romaine lettuce have many essential vitamins and other nutrients. Lettuce has very low calorie content and is composed mainly of water, about 90-95%. It also contain fiber, minerals, potassium, calcium, phosphorous, iron and magnesium; anti-oxidants such as beta-carotene and vitamins A, C and E, vitamin K, folate as well as many vitamins of the B complex.

11 Health Benefits Of Eating Romaine Lettuce

Weight Loss
Romaine lettuce is the perfect weight loss diet. To lose weight effectively, you must take in fewer calories per day from food than your body uses. Because romaine lettuce contains low calories and you may eat large portions of romaine lettuce and still lose weight. Its fiber also helps remove bile salts from the body. This is why romaine lettuce is also good for your heart!

Rich in Pro-Vitamin A
Eating just one ounce of fresh romaine lettuce, for example, supplies your body with 49% of the Daily Value for vitamin A. In addition to its powerful antioxidant properties, pro-vitamin A has eye health protecting qualities, and several studies have linked vitamin A deficiency to poor night vision and impaired color vision.

Good Hydration
Lettuce juice is a fabulous wellspring of hydration on level. They are invigorating, refreshing and help rehydrates our cells and discharging poisons and hurtful fats from our congested cells.

It has high fiber content, lettuce and its juice can help stimulate the function and motility of the intestinal tract, relieve constipation and cleanse the colon.

Reduces Anxiety
It has been prescribed as the best vegetable for its enhance beneficial neurological properties. Lettuce has anxiolytic properties which help us in reducing anxiety.

Prevent Anemia
Lettuce contains a relatively high amount of chlorophyll and iron, which are essential for the synthesis of hemoglobin in blood red cells.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties
Lettuce has calming properties that assistance in controlling irritation. Lettuce concentrates have demonstrated huge controlling control over aggravation affected by biocatalysts like lipoxygenase and carrageenan.

Helps with Insomnia
The white fluid that you see when you break or cut lettuce leaves is called lactucarium. This has relaxing and sleep inducing properties similar to opium but without the strong side effects. Simply eat a few leaves or drink some lettuce juice.

Boosts Immunity
Romaine lettuce rich in vitamin C and vitamin A and both are known as powerful immune boosters.





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Prof. Hesin
I am herbalist and write on variety of topics from nutrition to natural health, herbal medicine, nutritional supplementation, mind/body medicine and i enjoys the challenge of providing my family with healthy food options that fit with their busy lifestyle.