10 Home Remedies That Burn Fat Fast


Do you want to burn fat but don’t have the time or money to go to a gym? Relax. There are plenty of at-home tricks that will shed unwanted pounds without leaving the comfort of your house or spending a fortune to do it. The top ten at-home remedies for burning fat are discussed in the following sections.

Eat Moderately

Slowly cutting back on your portions and even getting into the habit of eating 4-5 smaller meals a day are great ways to help lower your caloric intake and keep your metabolism humming so that fat is burned rather than being stored in your body.


Another simple way to help burn fat is simply to drink more water: this helps flush toxins from the body and keeps all your systems functioning at an optimum – include your metabolism and digestion, making your body use calories more efficiently.

Try Green Tea

Another great way to lose weight naturally is to drink 2-3 cups of green tea daily. It helps not only to burn fat but to release excessive fat cells from the body and flush them out, leaving you with a trimmer, firmer waistline.

Drink Lemon and Honey

Drinking a cup of warm water with lemon and honey in it in the morning will help you to lose weight by flushing out toxins from your body (and thus promoting good digestive function) and also helps regularize your bowel movements.

Include Apple Cider Vinegar

Although some people may be put off by this vinegar’s strong taste, diluting 1 Tbsp. of it in an 8-oz. glass of water and drinking it daily will help improve your overall digestion and also speed up your metabolism so that it burn fat more quickly.

Black Pepper

Pepper contains piperine, a compound which has been shown to help break down fat cells and reduce them at the molecular level. It also can stop the formation of new fat cells and the build-up of fat cells in your blood. Just add it to your regular foods to help burn more fat.


Cumin stops the body from storing excess fat and can also speed up the metabolism so that more fat is burned. It can also help prevent bloating, gas pain and flatulence which can leave you feeling miserable after a meal.

Parsley Juice

Parsley juice is great for flushing out fat from the body and detoxifying you, thus insuring that your digestion is functioning at its best. This detoxification also promotes overall good health.

Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice does not only help treat and prevent urinary infections, it also is a great weight loss aid. Add a dash of lime to your cranberry juice and sip your way into a smaller dress size!


Apples – raw or boiled – also will help flush fat from your system and the pectin in them will help reduce fat absorption and also make you feel fuller for longer and reduce the chances of overeating.

Try any of these great home remedies today and watch the fat begin to melt away!

This are not difficult or expensive changes to make in your life. However, you can reap huge benefits from them and the payoff in the long run can be a fit, toned body and lean muscle mass instead of accumulated fat.

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Samriti has written a number of articles and blog posts for websites and print in the health industry. The majority of this writing was related to cancer information, blood pressure and healthy living.