10 Untold Benefits of Guava Leaves for Hair, Skin and Health


Tender guava leaves are used as medicine since long ago, it’s said that a ripe guava is equal to four apples. But how many of us know about the guava leaves and its wonders. It’s an easily available thing and very few know about its wonderful properties and uses.

Guava is full of fiber, folic acid, vitamin A and C, potassium, copper, and manganese. Studies show that, a single guava fruit contains about four times the amount of vitamin C as an orange. Guava leaves are used for traditional medicine in tropical countries. The leaves contain a number of beneficial substances, including antioxidants like vitamin C and flavonoids such as quercetin.

Nutritional value per 100 g

Protein 2.55 g
Vitamin B6 0.11 mg (8%)
Choline 7.6 mg (2%)
Vitamin C 228.3 mg (275%)
Calcium 18 mg (2%)
Iron 0.26 mg (2%)
Magnesium 22 mg (6%)
Manganese 0.15 mg (7%)
Phosphorus 40 mg (6%)
Potassium 417 mg (9%)
Sodium 2 mg (0%)
Zinc 0.23 mg (2%)

10 Benefits of Guava Leaves for Skin, Hair and Health


Guava contains antioxidants that protect from free radicals and lycopene prevents tumor growth. It is effective to protect from colon, breast, mouth, skin, stomach, oral cavity and lung cancers. The dietary fats present in Guava cleans toxins from the colon, thus reduces the effects of toxin in the colon and protect from colon cancer.


Studies conducted at the Yakult Central Institute in Japan show that guava leaf tea reduces alpha-glucosidease enzyme activity which in turn lowers blood sugar levels. And it also prevents sucrose and maltose from being absorbed into the body… thus helping to lower blood sugar levels and helping with weight loss. People who drink guava leaf tea over a 12 week period have lower blood sugar levels and it does all this without increasing insulin production.


Guava leaf tea is healthy as it aids in digestion by stimulating the digestive enzyme production. You can also prevent yourself from food poisoning by consuming guava leaf tea or juice.

Strengthens Hair

Boil guava leaves in water, cool it and massage on scalp. This strengthens hair and prevents hair fall.

Blood Glucose Levels

Guava leaf tea can lower blood glucose levels without creating a spike in insulin production. Making it beneficial for people suffering from diabetes.

Treat Acne

The leaves contain Vitamin C which helps fight acne and pimple build up.

Skin problem

Guava enhances skin texture, tightening the loosening skin, and far better options than the nourishing lotions available in the market. The higher concentration of minerals and nutrients presence in guava makes the skin toned, fresh and wrinkle free.


Having a higher concentration of vitamin C, it is useful in the treatment of bleeding and swollen gums. The astringents contents of guava leave juice are a useful remedy for toothache pain, swollen gums and ulcers.

Low- density lipoprotein

Guava tea leaf also reduces the levels of LDL (low- density lipoprotein) or bad cholesterol. Importantly, it doesn’t negatively affect the HDL (high-density lipoprotein) or good cholesterol.

Weight loss

The guava leaves can also be helpful in regard to the weight loss. The consumption of guava tea leaf stops the carbohydrate to turn into sugar, responsible for causing hunger pangs and weight gain.
Additional Source:

livestrong.com / healthylifeland.com / stylecraze.com

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Phyllis Bentley
I have 12 years’ experience in the medical industry. As a freelance writer, I have written a number of articles which have been published in highly read publications. I have a strong knowledge base in a range of medical and wellness topics and in the business of health care.
Specialities in Family health; autoimmune diseases; mental health; diabetes, cancer; fitness and nutrition.