5 Japanese Health Trends We Should Live By


If you want to live healthier then following Japan can be a great way to start. Out of all the countries in the world Japan is known for a population that lives for a long time and tends to be healthier than most other populations. This good health comes from a number of factors that include diet, hygiene, activity level, regular medical screenings, and even the attitude towards life that the Japanese usually have. In Japan the rates of cancer, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, heart disease, and other conditions that are extremely common in the Western world are much lower.

1. The Japanese Diet Promotes Good Health

In Japan the diet that is typically followed is much different than many other countries. Many meals include seafood, seaweed, fermented vegetables and sauces, and green tea. Seafood is full of omega fatty acids which prevent cancer and inflammation, and fermented foods are partially broken down during the fermentation process so they promote better immune system function and health. Seaweed has many nutritional and health benefits, and it is packed with protein and potassium.

Green tea has an important role in the diet and daily life in Japan, so much so that there are very intricate rituals involved and specific tea ceremonies that are used. In Western countries a meal is finished with dessert that is often cloying sweet and high in both sugar and fats. In Japan most meals end with green tea. The benefits of green tea have been scientifically proven to boost brain health and to prevent a number of medical conditions and diseases.

2. When It Comes to Hygiene Japan Does It Best

In Japan exceptional hygiene is not only encouraged it is expected. This is one of the first countries to use bidet toilet seats and modern sanitation techniques. Bidets are not only common in homes in Japan but they can be found at almost every public facility as well. These products provide a better clean than toilet paper does, and since water is used there are fewer problems with irritation, infection, and other health problems caused by tears or other wounds due to rough wiping. In fact many homes in the USA have bidets now as a result of the superior clean and soothing experience.

Baths are another common tradition in Japan, and the bathing experience is incredible. Japan is full of public bath houses and hot springs, and almost 90% of the population ends each day with a bath. Many of the hot springs in Japan have waters that are rich in minerals, and soaking in these springs can help relieve or even eliminate a number of medical conditions including rheumatoid arthritis. It is no wonder that even the elderly in Japan are so active.

3. The Right Attitude Towards Life Makes A Big Difference

Another way that you can live healthier by following Japan is to adopt the same attitude towards life. In Japan people are always singing, that is why karaoke is so popular. People are also less likely to take themselves so seriously, they can act silly and have fun. This attitude helps to lessen the daily stress that we all experience and this means better health and a longer life.

4. In Japan Regular Medical Check Ups Are Expected

People in Japan tend to live longer and be healthier in part because they have annual check up and regular medical screenings. Any medical problems are detected early on and treated or resolved before it can develop into something more serious. In the USA and Canada many people put off their annual check up or refuse routine screenings, and that means that certain conditions are not detected as early. Preventative tests and programs help ensure better health and a longer life. This is one reason why Japan usually has the most people over the age of 100.

5. Plenty of Exercise is the One of the Keys to Longevity

In Japan the benefits and value of exercise are well known, and the population of this country tends to be more active on a daily basis. Many Japanese people walk or ride a bike to work, and driving is not the main method of transportation. Because people in Japan are physically active every day they tend to stay active as they age, and that helps prevent many of the diseases and medical problems that are seen in large numbers in Western countries.



Tyler Walters
I work with seniors, and have a background in health and fitness. I hope to contribute articles to both audiences and even combine the two!