7 Reason To Do “Planks” Everyday


As we know exercise has greatest benefits for health and fitness, and this is same in the planks. Planking has become increasingly popular for core strengthening.

The plank can be done from a front-lying or side-lying position, it will depend on which muscle you are focusing more. You can do it anywhere, any-time, and it’s free— There’s no need to go to a gym or trainer to do this move.

How To Do The Perfect Plank

-Down your face on the floor resting on your forearms and knees.

-Push off the floor, raising up off your knees onto your toes and resting mainly on your elbows.

-Just Contract your abs to keep yourself up and prevent your booty from sticking up.

-Hold your back flat — don’t drop it or you’ll be defeating the purpose. Picture your body as a long straight board, or plank.

-Hold as long as you can. Aim for 20-50 seconds in the beginning and work your way up to one minute, as you get stronger.

-Repeat 5 times.

7 Health benefits from exercising planks

Reduce Back Pain

As it strengthen your core, planks best for back pain. This also strengthen your back muscles, especially those in your upper back.

Improve Your Mood

No doubt exercise always give you a mood boost, and also planks does same. Planks stretch and ultimately relax muscles groups that often become stiff and tense from long sitting.


Its kind of meditation as we do plank its make our mind cool and calm state because you’re holding everything tight and still and while breathing deeply over 50 seconds or more.

No Gym Necessary

By using your own body weight as resistance, you don’t need any exercise equipment to perform planks either side or front. You can do this exercises nearly anywhere. This also means you can easily incorporate them into a home workout program to keep your major core muscles strong.


Planks also increase flexibility in your posterior muscles. This will help muscles around your shoulders, collarbone and shoulder blades to expand and stretch as will your hamstrings and even the arches of your feet and your toes.

Boost metabolism

Planks is great abdominal exercises as 1 to 10 minute exercise before or after work will enhanced metabolic rate and also ensure that that metabolic rate remains high all day long.


Toned Belly

For six pack look plank is best exercise as it build your deep inner core muscles strong. As your abdominal muscles become stronger, your mid-section will tighten.

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