Aluminum Linked to Infertility in Men


A recent study conducted in collaboration with scientists from the U.K. and France has shown a link between aluminum in the body and reduced sperm count in males. The research results were published in the medical journal “Reproductive Toxicology,” in their October 2014 issue.

Researchers J.P. Klein (Université de Lyon), M. Mold (The Birchall Centre), L. Mery (Université de Lyon), M. Cottier (Université de Lyon), and C. Exley (The Birchall Centre), studied the sperm count of 62 male patients.

All of the patients’ sperm contained evidence of the presence of aluminum. Patients with lower sperm count had significantly higher levels of aluminum. The higher the amount of aluminum, the lower the number of sperm in the sample.

Researchers concluded that aluminum acts as an endocrine disruptor. The presence of aluminum is a contributing factor in reduced reproductive fertility in men, as evidenced in recent years.

What is the endocrine system?

The endocrine system is comprised of glands and organs in your body that release hormones into your blood stream. Some of the glands and organs in the endocrine system include the pineal gland, testes, ovaries, thyroid gland and adrenal glands.

What is an endocrine disruptor?

An endocrine disruptor is defined as a chemical that disrupts the natural flow of endocrine hormones into the blood stream. This disruption may cause an increase, decrease or imbalance of hormone secretion. Endocrine disruption has been shown to be a cause of cancer, tumor growth, birth defects and systemic disease.

How does aluminum enter the body?

Aluminum can enter the body through the air we breathe, the food we eat, and through the pores on our skin. Specifically, here are some common examples where we encounter aluminum on a daily basis:

  • Aluminum cans (tomato sauce, soda and pop, canned fruits and vegetables)
  • Aluminum baking supplies (foil, pie dishes, roasting pans)
  • Aluminum ingredients (deodorant, certain cosmetics, vaccines)
  • Aluminum in food (antacid tablets, baking powder)

How can I avoid aluminum?

You can easily reduce or eliminate your exposure to aluminum by making a few lifestyle adjustments. Here are some alternatives to the examples mentioned above:

  • Aluminum cans – Purchase only food and beverages packaged in glass containers.
  • Aluminum baking supplies – use glass baking dishes and don’t allow aluminum foil to touch your food. Don’t cook with aluminum foil.
  • Aluminum ingredients – use natural deodorants and cosmetics. Consider declining optional vaccinations or requesting alternative versions without aluminum.
  • Aluminum in food – use herbs to quell nausea and heartburn. Choose baking powder that is aluminum-free or make your own.

These are simple ways to avoid aluminum. The alternatives suggested above are less expensive in most cases than using aluminum products.

Aluminum is a natural earth element (Al) that has existed alongside humans for centuries. But it is only for the last 50 years or so that this element has become bioavailable to humans in so many ways. Is there a link between infertility in men and the presence of aluminum in the body? The scientists who conducted this study have proven that the answer is yes.


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Kate Supino
Kate Supino writes about nutrition, whole foods and holistic living. Visit her online portfolio at: