Breast Cancer Doctor Charged With Poisoning Lover


Breast cancer doctor, Dr. Ana Maria Gonzalez-Angulo, is accused of spiking her lover’s coffee with ethylene glycol. In their opening statement, in a downtown Houston, Texas courtroom, prosecutors allege that in January 2013, the 43 year-old oncologist spiked Dr. George Blumenschein’s coffee with an organic compound commonly found in laboratories and anti-freeze.

It is likely the victim, Dr. Blumenschein will suffer from the effects of the poisoning for the rest of his life.

Breast Cancer Doctor, Gonzalez-Angulo on Trial

Both, Dr. Ana Maria Gonzalez-Angulo and Dr. George Blumenschein are oncologists at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center where they do research.

Apparently, the two doctors were having an affair for the last two years. However, Gonzalez-Angulo learned that her lover, Dr. Blumenschein, was trying to conceive a child with Evette Toney, his longtime girlfriend.

In the fall of 2012, Dr. Blumenschein’s supervisor, Dr. Bonnie Glysson, of M.D. Anderson Cancer Center suspected inappropriate behavior between the two researchers and confronted Dr. Blumenschein. Dr. Bonnie Glysson explained in court, “I said you know there’s all these rumors going around. The behavior I see, it’s unseemly to me. Are you having an affair? And he adamantly denied that.”

In the months that followed, Dr. Blumenschein was poisoned with ethylene glycol. Dr. Blumenschein explained to investigators that on Sunday he stopped to visit Dr. Gonzalez-Angulo at her condominium before going into work at the hospital.

Approximately four hours after he drank two sweet-tasting cups of coffee, the breast cancer doctor started losing his balance and motor skills, he also realized he was slurring his speech.

Later that night, Dr. Blumenschein went to the emergency room to find out his central nervous system was damaged, as well as renal failure and cardiopulmonary complications. Dialysis treatments helped him in his attempt to survive.

Prosecutors said the police were summoned when crystals similar to ethylene glycol poisoning were found by a doctor in Dr. Blumenschein’s urine bag.

Doctor Charged With Aggravated Assault and Domestic Violence

For allegedly spiking Dr. George Blumenschein’s coffee, Dr. Gonzalez-Angulo is formally charged with aggravated assault of a family member, which also covers domestic violence in dating relationships.

The prosecution claims the breast cancer doctor was obsessed with Dr. Blumenschein, had a private investigator follow him, and poisoned him after finding out he wanted to have a child with another woman.

Representing Dr. Gonzalez-Angulo, attorney Andy Drumheller told jurors there’s no proof that Dr. Blumenschein was poisoned by ethylene glycol; his client is innocent of the charges.

Drumheller claims the expert witnesses and doctors presented by the prosecutors, “are doing little more than guesswork. We don’t guess people into felony convictions.”

If convicted, Dr. Gonzalez-Angulo, without a doubt, will no longer be a breast cancer doctor and could face up to life in prison.

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George Zapo, CPH
George Zapo, CPH is certified in Public Health Promotion & Education. George focuses on writing informative articles promoting healthy behavior and lifestyles. Read more of George's articles at his website: