Healing Hounds: 3 Natural Methods for Improving a Dog’s Health


You may have started using natural remedies for your own health issues, realizing that certain foods make ailments disappear quickly. Humans are not the only ones that can benefit from these methods, though. Your pets can use these super-foods to improve their health as well. Here are 3 natural methods to help heal your hound and boost their overall health.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil offers many benefits to dogs who are fed the substance on a regular basis.

Fresh Breath

Dogs with bad breath can consume coconut oil. It will help eliminate bacteria in the mouth and reduce the smell associated with it. You can even use the oil as a toothpaste and brush your pet’s teeth with it.

Skin Moisturizer

Apply some coconut oil to your dog’s coat as you bathe him. It will not only keep his fur smelling clean and fresh thanks to the antifungal properties, but it will also help moisturize his skin underneath. With clean and moisturized skin, conditions like flea bites, eczema, and itchiness can all be reduced. Stings, bites, and cuts will also heal quicker with the help of this oil.

Improved Digestion

A dog’s digestion is often poor, leaving him with stomach troubles and frequent loose stools. To limit this from happening, coconut oil can be added to your pet’s diet. Digestion will be improved and nutrients can be absorbed easier.


85% of a pet’s immune system is connected to the digestive system. So probiotics for dogs can dramatically help boost the digestive system, keeping it healthy and working as needed.


Bad bacteria that fills the digestive tract is combated by the immune system. Since the immune system is now working hard to fight this battle, other health issues emerge that can not be warded off. This includes things like ear infections, upper respiratory disorders, and even joint problems. Probiotics work to aid digestion by providing good bacteria to fight off the bad. The immune system will have help, which will ensure other ailments do not emerge. This is especially important for puppies and older dogs that already have a low functioning immune system.


Kelp is yet another option to naturally boost your dogs health. Advocates of holistic approaches for pet medicine recommend using it to fight certain conditions.

Flea Control

Fleas are a common problem for many pets, especially dogs who find themselves outside frequently throughout the day.

The Natural Remedy Book for Dogs and Cats, written by Diane Stein, describes how three weeks of kelp consumption can reduce the amount of fleas found. The seaweed substance is said to repel fleas, keeping them away from pets with the help of a regular flea treatment. It also aids in skin care, so the bites left from fleas will be reduced as well.

Cleansing and Healing

The Japanese have long sworn by the use of kelp in aiding their overall health, and increasing their longevity. Many of a dog’s body functions can be aided with kelp. The substance helps cleanse the digestive system, as well as heal injuries faster. Since it is high in iron, it also fortifies the blood and allows the heart to pump more efficiently. Your dog’s immune system will even be improved.


Since kelp is rich in iodine, it lowers the risk for an iodine deficiency. A deficiency of this nature could cause your dog to experience thyroid problems. Kelp not only helps the thyroid, but also the entire glandular system, including the adrenal and pituitary glands. All three work together to keep the metabolism going strong, which in turn helps your pet maintain a healthy weight.

Your dog’s health should be a top priority. With the help of these 3 natural methods, a number of ailments that plague a dog can be helped. The use of probiotics, kelp and coconut oil all work together to ward off diseases and keep a dog’s many systems functioning properly. Your dog will never be healthier.

Veronica Davis