The Healthiest Broccoli Smoothie That Fights Against Cancer And Regulates Blood Pressure


Broccoli, this dark green leafy vegetable is loaded with lots of essential minerals and vitamins and packed with tremendous health benefits. It’s a powerhouse of iron, calcium, protein, vitamin A and vitamin C. It also contains rich antioxidants that fight against many infections and illnesses, including cancers.

According to The American Society, consuming more broccoli can reduce the risk of certain types of cancer as it contains phytochemicals, which are with anti-cancer properties and help the body get rid of H.pylori, a bacterium which has been found to highly increase the risk of gastric cancer.

Broccoli also contains indole-3-carbinol, an anti-carcinogen that may hinder the growth of breast and prostate cancer.

Broccoli regulates the blood pressure thanks to the high amount of potassium it contains. It’s also rich in cholesterol-reducing fiber, which can help lower cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.

As one of the most popular vegetables all over the world, it is widely used in variety of dishes. To preserve the nutrients in it, it’s better to eat them raw as salad. While if your family don’t really like broccoli, combine it with lemon, honey and apples in a tasty smoothie, you will get the perfect combination, and it even help to prevent cancer as well as treat cancer.

How to prepare the broccoli smoothie with apple, lemon and honey


  • 100g fresh broccoli
  • 100ml water
  • 1 green apple
  • 1 tablespoon raw honey
  • 2 tablespoon lemon juice


Wash the broccoli and apple and cut them into small chunks.

Put all the pieces and lemon juice with water into the blender.

Blend well and transfer the juice in a big cup. Add honey to taste. Enjoy your smoothie.

You will love the taste even you don’t really fancy broccoli. And there is no doubt that broccoli is a nutritional wonder that is with other health benefits:

1. Slow down the aging process

Diindolylmethane (DIM), a compound found in broccoli, has been found to slow down the aging process and promote life extension.

2. Prevent constipation

Broccoli is an excellent source of fiber, one cup of steamed broccoli contains about 5 grams of fiber, which helps prevent constipation and also promotes digestion.

3. Get rid of toxins from the body

According to

Most toxins that pose a risk to our cells are detoxified in our body through a two-step process. What’s remarkable about broccoli is its ability to alter activity in both steps: The glucosinolates in broccoli assist the first step in detoxification (called Phase I) and its sulforaphane content supports the second step (called Phase II).

Broccoli is also considered as a good detoxifier due to the presence of vitamin C, sulfur and amino acids, which help eliminate free radicals and toxins from the body.

4. Good for your vision

The good amount of beta-carotene in broccoli protect the eyes against macular degeneration and help you maintain healthy eyesight.

5. Promote weight loss

Broccoli can help you healthy and keep the slim waist as well. A cup of cooked broccoli contains just about 40 calories, means this is a vegetable that has a good effect on your weight.

6. Prevent anemia in pregnancy

Broccoli prevents anemia thanks to its rich content of iron ( contains 1.2 mg. of iron per 100 g.) as well as vitamin C ( increases iron absorption).


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Liu Jiao
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