New Help in Slowing the Aging Process


Research shows us that the major cause of aging is unrelenting stress, mostly caused by work we  do. We can’t immediately stop doing our work, even though we may hate it, so a harmless herb that could energize us and increase our enjoyment of our current work could do wonders for removing (or neutralizing) the stress that ages us.

Kratom is one such herb. It is the wisdom of nature, contained in the leaf of a tree.

Kratom has traditionally been used as an energizing tonic to increase the productivity of farmers and laborers working in extreme heat in the countries where it grows. In this brutally hard work environment these workers manage to enjoy their work and take pride in it. Could this herb be put to use here to prevent some of the psychological stress that is a big part of aging?

Can Kratom Protect Us From Aging?

Who knows chronic stress better than the chronically ill? We have collected many testimonials that support the subjective effects of kratom on reducing the stress and the pain of those who find themselves in that position. (See link below)

Another group that is in need of stress reduction is the growing population of caregivers for chronically ill children and adults. What could be more mentally and emotionally stressful than to be the full-time caretaker of a family member? Trying to be cheerful can be a challenge while coping with  their disabilities — and perhaps all the while trying not to think how needless their plight is, when much of it is caused by  our medical system.

Regardless of what caused our child, our spouse, or our aging parent to be in need of our help, we are bound by duty to help them. It is shocking how many young parents now find themselves in this position, when historically it used to be a rare occurrence. Both Autism and Alzheimer’s Disease are on the rise at a time when single parent households are becoming the commonplace.

Be that as it may, we need to find the strength to do what must be done now, in this moment, and not let our mental energy be used up going through all the pointless what-ifs our mind can conjure up.

Kratom, a unique blend of 40+ alkaloids, that provide energy, a forgiving disposition, relief of our own aches & pains, and a focused “Get ‘er done!” frame of mind can be very helpful in these trying situations.

It is also worth considering that kratom contains significant quantities of antioxidants and polyphenols (catechins) that are helpful in countering the metabolic aging process within our cells.

Our brain uses a huge amount of energy, for its small size. Learning to restrain it, when we need our energy for being present for another — or in a situation where we must do a seemingly impossible task —  is extremely important.

Many people have remarked to me that they use kratom just for this mood-boosting ability it gives them. It helps them do (and enjoy) the everyday activities of our life, that — before they found kratom — they were incapable of doing so easily.

An easy-going attitude is hard to achieve for most Americans, so some herbal help from the Orient could be just what we need. Kratom is perfect for the job. It contains alkaloids that are known to lower blood pressure and increase blood flow. Kratom also seems to foster a feeling that all is right in the moment, even the challenging circumstances are laughed off and dealt with.

Perception is Reality.

As industrialist Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.

Kratom seems to eliminate the distance we perceive between our present abilities and the capabilities we need to accomplish our goals.

As the NIKE motto says, “Just DO It!” With kratom, we have the energy and the release of inhibitions, so we do what needs to be done. We simply stop worrying that we can’t. This is very liberating from stress.

If any group of people could benefit from a reduction in stress, it is Americans. On the one hand, we live in a high-stress, fast-paced environment, where many daily situations we encounter are beyond our control; on the other hand, we need better tools and herbs to help us handle these frustrating scenarios.

Kratom, by its nature, would seem to be the perfect such herbal helper in our adaptation to many changing factors in our work environment, social life, and, as a much-needed catalyst to add to our health care regimen.

We Need A Chill Pill

For many years, Western societies have bounced from one extreme to the other in terms of the stimulants and relaxants they have used. As if black coffee and various alcoholic drinks weren’t enough, our pharmaceutical chemists devised pure synthetic forms of stimulus and sedation, which led to an even higher degree of habituation for those who used them frequently.

Never was there a substance available to Westerners that could facilitate an alert detachment, a philosophical approach to solving the problems of our personal lives in a way that would lessen our tendency toward violent or impetuous solutions. Never, at least, until kratom came to our shores.

We need to embrace this herb and learn to use it appropriately for the purposes it for which it is best suited.

Many of the desirable qualities we associate with youth — sharp memory, concentration, productivity, and abundant health — can be fostered by reducing stress. Kratom can help in this process if used constructively.

Kratom, by its very molecular nature and historic use in making stressful work enjoyable, deserves investigation for use as a helpful tonic for slowing aging in the modern-day fast-paced USA.

Study Is First to Confirm That Stress Speeds Aging

Antidepressant-like effect of Mitragynine in mouse model of depression

Job stress is the major cause of stress for adult Americans

Kratom Benefit Testimonials

Author Paul Kemp has long been fascinated by finding the secrets of reducing stress and healthy aging.

To learn more about the popular rejuvenating properties of Kratom, visit OnlineKratom

Paul Kemp
I am a writer with a passion for freedom within a libertarian philosophy. I claim my rights and I accept personal responsibility for the consequences. I have watched the same mistakes being made time after time in our country and I hope to point these errors out and hopefully help to change a few of them. We have, as a society, turned too much control over our lives and diet to self-proclaimed experts, who have an agenda that is not in our best interest. To regain our health and freedom, we need to give these "experts" the boot and become knowledgeable about the crucial details of our own lives.