
Jordan Walker is someone who believes that pets deserve to have better health. He encourages owners to take care better of these by contributing content for Coops and Cages and in blogs such as this one. In here, he will be talking about some of the natural home remedies that can be used for pets.

Traditional medicine has been making use of natural home remedies since ancient civilization. While many of these are only dubbed as supplements and not real medicines by the likes of FDA, many homeopathic practitioners are telling people otherwise. Since many of the synthetic modern medicines today are commonly tied with unwanted side-effects, people are now taking treatment into their own hands and are making a shirt to natural cures. And they are not the only ones making use of these now. Some of them are also being used as alternative cures for pets.

10 Known Natural Home Cures for Pets

The answer to common pet issues may be just be found in some of the earth’s natural resources. Numerous natural alternatives can now be found from varied resources online. The ones listed below are some of the ones that can be used for pets.

  1. Calendula. More popularly known as marigold, Egyptians have recognized this medicinal plant for its rejuvenating property. American physicians found the calendula plant effective for the treatment of conjunctivitis, cuts, amenorrhea, burns, fevers and minor skin infections in humans. For pets, calendula flowers can be crushed and applied directly on wounds. This too can be boiled and used as an antiseptic wash. With its antiseptic property, this can help dry up wounds faster and also keeps bacteria at bay.
  2. Chamomile.  The chamomile plant is popular as a remedy for upset stomach. However, this too is used for other types of illnesses in pets. Aside from colic and gas, chamomile has calming effects that could help tame down hyperactivity in pets. This plant can do wonders to several skin conditions because of its antifungal and antibacterial properties. To use as a natural home remedy for pets, simply feed pet with chamomile tea. For skin conditions, chill chamomile tea then spray this on pet.
  3. Cranberry Juice. The prevalence of processed pet foods laden with salt has led to the development of urinary tract infection (UTI) in some household companions. When stones form in the bladder or urethra, urinating becomes painful for pets. Even with prescription medicines, UTI can be difficult to clear up. Cranberry juice is one of the most recommended natural pet cure for UTI. It helps alleviate UTI symptoms by clearing the urinary system of unwanted blockages. When buying cranberry juice for pets, take note that this should not contain excessive amounts of sugar.
  4. Ginger. Pet being bothered by an upset stomach? Ginger tea could help calm this down. This herb is also useful for pets that suffer from motion sickness. Before setting out on a trip, give pet some ginger capsules. If pet is a picky eater, ginger cookies could work just as great too.
  5. Lavender Oil. Age can make a pet susceptible to muscle pain and stiffness. Just like people could benefit from a relaxing massage, pets could similarly make use of it to get rid of muscular problems. To make the experience more pleasing to the pet, simply make use of lavender oil when giving it a massage. And as an added bonus, the refreshing smell of lavender works great as a tick and flea repellent too.
  6. Milk Thistle. Milk thistle is known for its efficacy in the treatment of liver disease. This contains silymarin, a compound that exhibits antioxidant properties and is believed to help the liver regenerate. Milk thistle is used as a liver remedy for both humans and pets alike. This could also help pets suffering from toxicity brought about by mushrooms, certain medications, pesticides and insecticides. Vets usually suggest the use of milk thistle as daily supplement for pets with liver problems.Although this has shown no signs of possible toxicity with constant use, further studies are still needed to verify long-term effects in cats and dogs.
  7. Oatmeal. Pets like bunnies and cats like to lick their coats. This is their way of tidying themselves. During shedding season though, their constant licking could become problematic. Their intestines may soon have hairballs in them, a problem that could result to intestinal blockages. Since it’s impossible to tell these pets to stop licking their bodies, one way to help prevent this is through diet. Feeding pets with foods high in fiber like oatmeal will help clear the blockages in their intestines.
  8. Olive Oil. For pets playing at the backyard, this could mean getting some bubble gum on its coat. Trimming its coat may be the first remedy that pet owners could be thinking of. No doubt, the bald patch would make pet look like a map of holes though. To prevent pet from looking ugly, remove the gum with the help of olive oil. This will soften the gum, allowing its human companion to easily comb this out without further need to damage its coat. If pet is having problems with obesity, olive oil can be added to meals since this contains monounsaturated fats that can help break down fat cells.
  9. Parsley. Unlike people, pets can’t brush their teeth on a daily basis which could lead to breath problems. Since they are animals, pets could have this as a valid excuse and just be allowed to have stinky breath all day long. But what if it’s a dog that loves to lick people’s faces? Instead of holding one’ breath whenever pet gets too close, pet owner could get rid of this with the use of parsley. Steep parsley in warm water. Let this cool and use this on pet as a breath spray.
  10. Sugar. Too much sugar in a person or pet’s diet could easily lead to what can be called a pet health disaster. But for a horse with scrapes on its body, sugar may be the best thing that its owner can give it. Sugar combined with iodine could stop wounds from getting worse. While iodine helps pet fight infection, sugar on the other hand ensures that its flesh remain healthy. Just mix the two together to make a paste and apply directly on scrapes.

Additional Notes

Although many natural home remedies are claimed to have few or no side-effects, consult an expert just the same. Why? Some plants may be considered safe for the use of some household pets but not for others. In the event that pet shows symptoms of some serious health condition, do not attempt to come up with one’s own natural remedy. The pet’s vet is still the person who should be giving the necessary medical interventions.

Jordan Walker
Jordan is the lead content curator for Coops And Cages as well as a couple of other pet related blogs. His passion for animals is only matched by his love for 'attempting' to play the guitar. If you would like to catch him, you can via Google+ or Twitter: @CoopsAndCages