This Is Your Pineal Gland


Deep in your brain, in its own little Bat-Cave that sits between the right and left hemispheres of your brain, sits the pineal (PIN ee ull) gland.

Mystics call the pineal our “Third Eye,” and say it gives us extrasensory perception. Philosophers describe it as “the seat of the soul,” and say it connects the soul with the brain.

Once you get past the mystics and philosophers, though, most people have never even heard of the pineal.

How can this be? The pineal may be small, but it’s mighty. The problem is, it’s new.

Well, this little gland has been around for a gazillion years, but in terms of our knowledge, it’s new.

Researchers discovered melatonin, the hormone created by the pineal gland, in 1958–which isn’t long in research time.

And they didn’t discover what melatonin did until 1978. And that discovery is still “in process,” as they say about iffy information that doesn’t want to gel into something solid.

In the 1990s, researchers decided to find out what the pineal does. A search that still goes on.

That makes this information so fresh, I’m basically writing a news release. So, Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Let’s talk pineal.

The pineal gland is a major player in the endocrine system, and the endocrine system controls how long and how well we live.

To give you an idea, here’s a short list of a few pineal functions:
•    Keeps our immune system humming
•    Modulates high cortisol, a leading cause of stress and aging
•    Kills free radicals, the bad guys that rust out our insides
•    Boosts fertility
•    Prevents blood clots
•    Establishes our 24-hour and seasonal clocks
•    Prevents autoimmune diseases
•    Prevents cancers, especially endocrine cancers like breast/prostate cancer
•    Stimulates the pituitary, the king of the endocrine system

Big time stuff for a tiny little organ nobody knows about, eh?

Unfortunately, the pineal has a ferocious enemy that can literally turn it into stone. Then our immune system bites the dust, and disease comes at us in full force. Stress levels skyrocket, destroying our peace. Thyroid function falters. Digestive problems beset our days. And on, and on, and on.

What’s the name of this ferocious enemy? Fluoride, the unsanitized industrial waste that’s added to our water. You may read it has health benefits, but it doesn’t. Nary a one.

Fluoride–in the water, in toothpaste, in fluoride-based medications such as the antibiotic Cipro and most antidepressants, in CocaCola, in Nestle’s bottled water, in sprays used on fruits and vegetables, etc.–attacks body parts anywhere it finds them.

Worse, fluoride has a fatal attraction for the pineal gland, rushing to flood it, the better to turn it to stone. Well, the word used is “calcify,” which sounds harmless, but it means to turn our vulnerable pineal into stone so it can’t create melatonin–or do anything else.

Medicine says pineal calcification is a normal part of aging, but research proves otherwise.

Did you know fluoride lowers our kids’ IQs? Eats our bones? Mottles our teeth? Makes us passive? Creates havoc for the autistic? And I could go on–endlessly.

So how do we reverse pineal calcification?
•    Join (or start) a campaign to get fluoride out of your life. As knowledge spreads about all the harm fluoride causes, it’s becoming possible to make a difference. Fluoride, a salt, leaves our bodies fairly quickly once we stop taking it in.

•    Get a strong vitamin/mineral program going. What you read about a little vitamin here, a trendy herb there, and the like won’t get the job done. You need an organized line of defense. My Pep for the Pooped book talks about this, as does my Moving to Health program.

Vitamins and minerals play a huge role in good health, and they’re safe. And they fight fluoride while also increasing melatonin creation.

•    Put borax in your bath water, dishwashing water, etc. It counteracts fluoride.

•    Exercise. Cells in motion help the body fight all sorts of things, including fluoride.

•    Sweat. Consider a “dry” sauna two or three times a week. It flushes fluoride out of its hiding place in fat cells and sends it out in your sweat.

The presence of fluoride guarantees that you will have health problems. Getting rid of fluoride is worth any effort it takes.

About the author: Bette Dowdell defines determination. In a really deep health ditch, with doctors who didn’t help, she got her Oh-Yeah! attitude in gear and researched her way out. She never intended to be a health expert, but sometimes a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. You can subscribe to Bette’s free e-mails on how to solve health problems at

Bette Dowdell
A drunk driver pretty much destroyed my health a month before my first birthday. Doctors said I was fine--for years. Finally realizing my health was up to me, I started researching. I got out the health ditch I was in, and found my future: Giving people the information they need to understand how to take control of their own health. It's been an amazing journey, and I look forward to all that is yet to come.