Quick and Effective Weight Loss Tips!!


In this content will be presented a quick and effective weight loss tips for a perfect body line.

The amount of hormones in our body varies during the day and this affects our metabolism and the conversion of food into energy. The best time for breakfast is from 8:00 to 8:30, because the body is already awakened with the hormone which startsthe engines for the daily activities, and therefore theingested food is quickly consumed. So the breakfast should contain a lot of carbohydrates, which is good in the long run.

Attention! After 9.00 o’clock, the “morning” hormone drops, so there is a chance that certain pastry will turn into fat.

From 12.00 to 14.00, the digestive organs work the most, and if you eat more than one meal it’s less dangerous than to eat a sandwich at 14:30.

Don’t forget that from 18.00 to 20.00 o’clock, the sense of smell and the sense of taste are more sensitive, so the very small portions can satisfy our hunger. That means that we can have low calorie and easy dinner.

8.30 – breakfast – coffee or tea with sweetener, yogurt or glass of milk (or 5 dry biscuits, or 30 grams cornflakes ) with a little honey and fresh orange juice. The high percentage of sugar helps you to have more energy and to avoid lowering of your blood sugar within three hours after breakfast.

11:30 – snack – a banana and a cup of tea. Banana is rich in starch, which gives a feeling of satiety and also prevents the lowering of the blood sugar. This reduces the hunger thatis caused from the tea. This snack is enough to keep you out of the kitchen until lunch.

From 12.00 to 14.00 – lunch – mixed vegetables with boiled egg or 1/2 slice of mozzarella (60 g) or a can of tuna (80 g) with spoon of oil, lemon juice, salt, and fruit. Despite the small number of calories, this meal provides proteins and carbohydrates, which will give you energy for the next 3-4 hours.

From 16.00 to 17.00 – snack – one large apple (with peel) and a glass of water. The sugars that are found in the apple maintain the normal levels of blood sugar, and water increases the effect of pectin (a type of fiber that the apple is rich with).

18.00 – drink – fresh orange juice. The water that is in the juice spreads the cells in the stomach andfills them with minerals and vitamins, which help us to maintain the balance of the hormones that regulate the feeling for hunger and satiety.

19:00 – snack – two pieces of ham and two pieces of celery or carrots with parmesan cheese and orange juice. If you eat this small meal, withlot of proteins, 15 minutes before dinner, you’ll stimulate the hormone that reduces hunger.

From 19.00 to 20.00 – dinner – vegetable soup with two pieces of toast, a tablespoon of oil, 200 grams of fish cooked on steam (or 120 grams of grilled meat), salad seasoned with lemon and yogurt. In this period of the day we become more sensitive to different kind of tastes, so you should have a lighter meal that will not burden the digestive organs.

23 pm – bedtime – fresh orange juice, but without sugar or coca  cola light. The night time is critical because the alcoholic beverages or the drinks with lots of sugar that are drank at that time, burn very difficultly . Therefore it’s recommended to drink some light drinks or fresh fruit juice that have few calories and that create a feeling of satiety.


Away from the fridge!

If you want your hunger to be the only one who manages your gastronomic urges, here are some another quick and effective weight loss tips:

Power of the will -You don’t have to eat the same thing as your partner or work colleague just for making them company. When at one point you feel satiety – you should stop.

Stop and think – before you get a irresistible desire that leads you to the kitchen or in the candy store, and you’ll see thatit isn’treally hunger that causes this desire, but a fit to satisfy another need. If it’s just boredom than you should turn and leave.

Enough with the boredom, you should get use to seeing the boredom as the biggest enemy of your spiral line. Don’t allow it to enter into your life. Go out for a walk, join some club, read a book … do anything except laying on the couch all day and doing nothing.

Analyze yourself, you must learn to distinguish the need for eating and the need for something else that will fill your life. Consider if perhaps you are going through a hard time, are you nervous, do you have some subconscious problem or it’s just question of boredom.

Ask for help if you think that with the food you’ll make up for something, it would be good to ask for help from an expert, because otherwise the situation will get worse.

Evtim Kjosev
Born in Macedonia, student at University St. Kliment Ohridski-Bitola and owner of http://www.yourfoodcorner.com/