Selecting The Best Foods Possible


Often, when people made decisions about what foods to eat, they’ll go by what tastes best or by what’s available at the moment. The choice, however, might not be the most optimal one. To make the best food choices, people can do several things. They can educate themselves, perhaps, by reading information from health experts. This can take the form of books or even articles online.

While there is nothing wrong with relying on external sources, it is also important to listen closely to the body and how it responds. Advice followed from an expert is not correct if the body responds through imbalance. By accepting more responsibility for all health decisions, a person can find what’s most suitable for them.

Ultimately, the body is equipped with the intelligence and wisdom it needs to make the right food choices. Tuning into this natural intelligence and wisdom involves redirecting focus and slight behavioral modification. Learning to tune into this source of natural intelligence helps the individual to discover what’s uniquely best on the physical level because every body is different.

Several possible methods exist for making decisions through physical intelligence and intuition. They are muscle testing, intuitive access, and kineaesthetic scanning.

Kinaesthetic Scanning

I learned this method from reading one of Neale Donald Walsch’s books. Basically, he suggests moving your hand slowly over the food you’re thinking about eating. After doing this, tune into your body and notice whether its response is positive or negative.

An alternative is to just think of a specific food and then tune into your visceral response and gut feelings. If you’re more auditory, you might pick up a positive or negative thought. If you’re more visual, you might pick up positive or negative images. If you’re kinaeasthetic, you might feel positive or negative. The idea is to trust the response your body gives you and then to go with it.

Muscle Testing 

You’ll need to practice muscle testing on yourself frequently. Once you get the hang of it, you can try using it to see whether foods, supplements, health products, or health services are right for you.

Hold or mentally tune into whatever it is you’re thinking of eating.You might for example, tune into, think of, or look at the sandwich you’re thinking of eating.

Then,  touch the tips of the pinky and thumb of one hand making an “O” shape.

Insert the index finger of the other hand into the “O” and try to pull it apart where the pinky and thumb meet. At the same time, resist the pull with the pinky and thumb that are making the “O”.

If the index finger opens the “O”, that is a weak signal or a “no”. If the “O” stays closed, that is a strong signal or “yes”.

The strong signal indicates the food is healthy for the body while a weak signal would indicate the opposite. You could also ask yourself if the food you’re thinking of is healthy for you and then perform the muscle test.


One possible way to access intuition involves getting into a meditative state. This, you can do easily by focusing completely on the breath only as it moves in and out through the nose, for fifteen minutes. You’ll want to be in a physically balanced and relaxed position while staying alert. After fifteen minutes is up, (use a timer if that helps), address your intuition. You might mentally ask yourself, “Intuition, what foods are best for me today?”, and then be open to whatever messages come up in the form of thoughts, images, or emotions.

Staying Open And Repeated Practice

The key to using the above methods involves staying open and repeated practice. Stay open to whatever information comes through.

Your approach to intuition and physical intelligence will often be the same as your perspective towards creative brainstorming. With creative brainstorming, all ideas are accepted initially no matter how crazy or illogical, or wrong. The same goes with tuning into intuition and physical intelligence.

The idea is to always be open to and accept all information coming from intuition and physical intelligence no matter how crazy or wrong it seems. Getting better with intuitive access is a matter of repeated persistence, trust, and acceptance of whatever is coming through no matter how wrong it seems to appear in the beginning.

You can always test the accuracy of your intuition and muscle testing later on through personal experience and logical analysis.

Bibliography And Suggested Resources:

The book, Practical Intuition by Laura Day
