Seven of the Most Powerful Medicinal Plants


Anyone who has studied plants will not be surprising to learn that the majority of prescription drugs today owe their medicinal powers to some form of plant derivative. For most of human history, plants have been a sort of public pharmacy for people all over the world. Below are seven of the most powerful medicinal plants, along with a description of some of their healing properties.


Most people will be surprised to learn that up until the 1970’s, cannabis was legal in most of the United States – and it seems to be headed towards legality again. Studies have shown that use of this plant can help with conditions as diverse as depression and anxiety, high blood pressure, pain and even glaucoma.

Lady Fern

When crushed and applied to the skin, the juice from lady ferns is good for easing stings and insect bites as well as minor cuts and burns. Bracken, a much larger cousin of the lady fern, can achieve the same results for irritated skin.


Used in Europe as least as far back as medieval times, tansy is an old-world remedy and general tonic. It can also be applied topically as a natural insect repellent or taken internal as a treatment for worms.


Forms of mint have been used by peoples all over the world for much the same conditions, including nausea, upset stomach and other digestive problems and to help with headaches, nervousness and fatigue.


Known as “The Father of All Plants”, alfalfa can grow several feet tall and brings many health benefits. It is loaded with antioxidants and is an old-time treatment for ailments like morning sickness, nausea, kidney stones, and urinary discomfort.


It’s not just for stuffing anymore! This aromatic herb is loaded with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds. It can improve digestion which soothing muscle cramps, calming down bouts of diarrhea and can also help fight off colds and flus.

Red Clover

Red clover can be brewed into a tea which is great for settling down coughs and other symptoms of the common cold. It can also help detoxify the blood and make it easier for the body to rid itself of unwanted or harmful substances. In addition to this, it is also a traditional “women’s herb” to balance the hormones, especially for women going through menopause.

These are just a few of the thousands of plants from all over the world that have been used from time immemorial for their healing properties. They have treated nearly every ailment that can plague the human body, from digestive problems to diabetes to cancer, and it is no surprise that more and more people are turning back to this age-old natural treatments to restore their health and well-being.

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Christine . S
Christine has written articles on most health-related topics, including traditional medicine, alternative and naturopathic and natural treatments, wellness, medical marijuana, diets and fitness.