How to Speed Your Metabolism Up In 14 Ways


Study shows you can trick your body into burning calories more efficiently, especially if you hit the gym.
Following are some simple ways to boost your metabolism faster than you can say ‘I want to lose weight’.

1)Keep your body hydrated
To many individuals, this rule from dieticians would sound repetitive and unnecessary, but it is really no joke. You need to drink eight glasses of water daily so that your body functions smoothly, and you have no trouble digesting your food.

2) Always keep the calcium level up in your body
Research shows if the calcium level in your body is low, then it will trigger a hormone in your body that will make your body store fat. Therefore, consume low-fat yoghurt, dairy, tofu, cheese and oatmeal to maintain your calcium level in the body.

3) Avoid Alcoholic Drinks
According to research alcoholic drinks will mess up your metabolism so avoid late-night cocktails and beers with friends.

4) Eat healthy snacks constantly
According to research, snacking is not bad as long as you are eating high fiber and protein-filled snacks. If you are starving between meals, then snack away because if you don’t eat food, hunger will slow down your body’s metabolism.

5) Live a stress-free life
Stress causes the release of cortisol (steroid hormone) in your body. This hormone makes your body store fat. Exercise or meditate so that unnecessary stress doesn’t trigger cortisol.

6) Avoid diet soda
Diet Soda has very bad effects on metabolism so switch to seltzer or water!

7) Sleep well
Yes getting around eight hours of sleep every night is vital for a good metabolism. Sleeping less than that will stop your body from burning calories!

8) Be out in the sunlight at every opportunity
Studies show that individuals who stay for a long time in dark and dull environments have lower metabolism and therefore, gain weight. So soak up the rays whenever possible!

9) Sip Kombucha Tea
Kombuch tea is made of black mushroom called kombucha. This drink will help to detoxify your body. It will keep your body functioning smoothly, thus leading to a sound metabolism.

10) Increase your intake of Vitamin C
Calcium and Vitamin C work together to keep one’s metabolic rate under control. When a person consumes calcium, it speeds up his or her metabolism, and the vitamin C facilitates your body in absorbing this mineral.

11) Drink four to five cups of green tea a day
Green tea contains polyphenols like EGCG that speed up a person’s metabolic rate. Remember drinking just one cup won’t be enough!

12) Hot peppers have benefits
Peppers like habanero, cayenne, jalapenos and chili contain capsaicin. This causes the burning and hot sensation in your mouth when you chew them. It has the same effect inside your body, which causes calories to burn!

13) Consume lots of Ginger
Ginger not only helps in digestion but also increases the body’s digestion process around twenty percent!

14) Choose Organic Produce
One of the biggest hidden causes of weight loss resistance is toxicity. Buy organic whenever possible and choose the cleanest, highest-quality cuts of meat.

Try everything above and see a great difference in your weight!


Beverly Entin