Ten Superfoods that Naturally Cleanse Your Liver


Your liver has a tough life. Every day, it works to remove toxins and other unwanted substances from your body and it can be negatively affected by pesticides or heavy metal residues in food or water, air pollution, even some prescription or over-the-counter medications. Fortunately, there are many foods you can add to or increase in your diet to help cleanse the liver naturally and keep it healthy and strong.


Carrots are rich in a compound called glutathione, which is a powerful natural liver cleanser; they call also are rich in beta-carotene and a variety of plant-based flavonoids which have proven to have a beneficial effect on liver health.


Tomatoes, like carrots, contain glutathione in large quantities. In addition to this, they are also a great source of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant which can help protect the liver from disease, reverse damage and guard against the development of liver and other forms of cancer.


Grapefruits are rich in Vitamin C and other antioxidants which promote liver health by protecting against the oxidative damage done free radicals to the liver tissue. It also boost the production of enzymes which naturally detoxify the liver.


Raw spinach is yet another excellent source of glutathione, one of the most effective naturally substances for cleanse the promoting the health and function of the liver.

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits like lemons and limes also contain high amounts of Vitamin C, which has power antioxidant properties that can reduce or even reverse liver damage. The Vitamin C is also able to stimulate detoxifying enzymes in the liver to help it cleanse itself.


Cabbage is rich in a particular type of glucosinolate called isothiocyanates; these are a great source of enzymes which help to cleanse and detoxify the liver naturally and keep toxins and other unwanted substances from building up.


Turmeric is one of the best spices you can eat on a regular basis if you are seriously about cleansing out your liver. The active ingredient, curcumin, is able to promote liver health by boosting enzymes which are responsible for detoxification.


Walnuts are also a good dietary source of glutathione, mentioned earlier in this article. Their omega-3 fatty acids and arginine also go a long way to supporting the overall health and function of liver and protect it from oxidative damage.


These fruits are incredibly high in nutrients of all kinds (fiber, healthy fat, vitamins, minerals, etc.) and help boost the body’s own natural ability to produce glutathione.


Apples are great for the liver because they are high in pectin, a specific kind of fiber that can help cleanse toxins from the digestive tract. This lightens the workload of the liver itself during the cleansing process.

So, do your liver a favor include these foods into your diet on a regular basis. Because a healthy body is just not possible without a healthy liver, you will be doing yourself a huge favor that will benefit you for years to come.



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Rosalina is a topic that Tracy particularly enjoys covering. Rosalina loves studying the latest trends in cosmetics and skin care, but her experience extends further than that. Rosalina writes on all aspects of beauty - hair and skin care, makeup, tips and tricks and product reviews.