Top 5 Drinks that Help Lose Weight


The best way to achieve lasting weight-loss results is to reduce the calorie intake and exercise regularly to help the body burn fat and develop muscle. However there are drinks which, taken in combination with diet and physical activity can offer support to someone who is striving to improve his or her health. Below are the top 5 drinks that can help the body to shed those unwanted pounds more easily.

Detox Juices
The advantage of these juices is that they can be made easily right in the home and give plenty of options as to what ingredients can be used. This varies widely, but generally citrus fruits are desirable for their detoxifying properties. Other common choices include apples, ginger and carrots. These juices provided fiber and antioxidants to improve digestion and get rid of toxins; they also cause the body to burn fat in a natural and healthy way.

Vegetable Juices
Vegetable juices in and of themselves can help aid weight loss. Cruciferous vegetables – the family that includes broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and kale  are particularly desirable components for these drinks. They help people lose weight through balancing the hormones, reducing body fat, stimulating the metabolism and generally detoxifying the body. Their strong antioxidant properties are also good for promoting overall health.

Green Tea
Green tea is a great weapon in the war on fat. It, too, stimulates the metabolism into burning fat more readily and provides the energy level needed to stay active and develop healthy muscles. It also helps dieters by suppressing the appetite and taking away that hungry feeling that can sometimes accompany a calorie-reducing diet. It has been shown, too, to help reduce stress, another factor for many overweight people.

Pear and Cranberries Juices
While there are a variety of fruit juices to choose from to help promote weight loss, pear and cranberry juices are considered to be some of the most helpful for this purpose. Like green tea, they boost the metabolic process and the energy levels, as well as delivering a raft of essential vitamins, minerals and disease-fighting phytochemicals that promote general well-being.

Black Coffee
If consumed in moderation, coffee can bring with it a number of benefits that make weight loss easier. Like green tea, coffee is antioxidant rich and reduces the damage that free radicals can do to the body. It will also increase the number of calories burned and help the body to shed the pounds more quickly. However, it needs to be consumed without cream or sugar, which would add greatly to its caloric value.

Weight loss is difficult and there are no quick fixes or easy answers. However, a healthy lifestyle combined with consumption of the drinks discussed above can certainly go a long way in making the achievement of a healthy weight possible.

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Mayimina has written articles on most health-related topics, including traditional medicine, alternative and naturopathic and natural treatments, wellness, medical marijuana, diets and fitness.