Scars may be effected from various skin wounds, such as burns, cuts or acne inflammation.
No one wants to get a scar while the scarring healing process takes a year or even longer. A lot of creams in the market for scar removal, as well as some professional cures, they are normally very expensive or not guaranteed to be powerful. If you don’t want to use these methods, you can opt for home remedies, they are natural and money-saving, keep using them frequently, you can hide your scars skillfully.
Home Remedies for Scars
1. Lemon Juice
Lemon works as a natural bleach and thus, reduces the scars effectively. Take a lemon and cut it into half, rub one side on the scar. If you have scars on chest, neck or back, a warm bath with lemon juice can help. Add a cup of lemon juice to the warm water and soak in the bath for half an hour, this will also help to lighten the scars.
2. Rosehip Seed Oil
This is one of the most common ingredients in the scar removal creams, It has tons of beauty benefits, especially for skin:
- Reduce Signs of Aging
- Prevent Stretch Marks
- Treat Chronic Dryness
- Eliminate Blemishes
- Heal Environmental Damage
- Soothe Redness and Irritation
And of course, smooth scars! Take some rosehip seed oil on your fingers and massage it on the scars. Do this regularly to heal the scars.
3. Tea Tree Oil
Apply tea tree oil to scars daily works to reduce the appearance noticeably, also works for stretch marks. Make sure to use the diluted tea tree oil.
4. Almonds
Soak 3 almonds in water, leave them overnight and in the morning, peel off the skin and mash them. Then add a few drops of rose water and apply on the scars.
5. Garlic Oil
Garlic contains antibiotic properties, it’s a natural remedy for scars. Massage the scars gently with a few drops of garlic oil, let the oil stay for at least 15 minutes on the scar area.
6. Gotu Kola
Gotu kola has been used for many years in Eastern medicine. It’s an excellent scar and stretch mark treatment because of its ability to combat inflammation and improve circulation. It will not only reduce the scars, but also speed up the healing process. Take leaves of gotu kola and make a paste, apply it on the scars.
7. Chamomile Tea
Chamomile tea can fight against scars and eliminate through its anxiolytic and antioxidant properties. You can apply chamomile tea with your fingers, rubbing gently at scars. Do this 2-3 times every week and it will help the scars to fade away.
8. Apple Cider Vinegar
Make a mixture of one part of apple cider vinegar and one part of water, take a cotton ball and dip in the mixture and applying it on the scars. Leave it for 10-15 minutes and wash it with water. Keep doing this every day to dispose of the scars effectively.
9. Yogurt and Barley
This home remedy works amazing for burned scars. Take barley, yogurt and turmeric in equal proportions and make a paste, apply it on the scars. Also, homemade mask with yogurt is a great remedy against acne scars. Mix 1 teaspoons of yogurt, 2 teaspoons of honey, 1 freshly squeezed lemon, 2 teaspoons of fresh milk with warm water, stir all of them together until you get the lotion. Apply it on your face, wait some minutes until it dries and then rinse with warm water.
10. Vitamin E
Vitamin E is one of the best natural scar remedies, it works to stimulate the formation of collagen, which can improve skin texture and strength. You can apply vitamin E cream on the scars to fade the appearance of scars.
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