35 Reasons to Use Apple Cider Vinegar Every Day


There are so many ways you can use apple cider vinegar in your daily routine, it works great for pretty much anything, from treating an upset stomach, dealing with skin problems to cleaning your house. And believe me, once you start to use it, you won’t turn back.

The health benefits of apple cider vinegar are endless, here re some creative and simple ways to add the benefits of apple cider vinegar to your life:

1. For cleaning purpose, make this “all-purpose cleaner”with apple cider vinegar

You have to prepare 1 part water, 1 part apple cider vinegar and a few drops of essential oil. Mix them in a spray bottle and use anytime when you want.

2. It can be added to your smoothie, but keep in mind of that just add a little as it has strong taste.

3. You can rub your teeth with apple cider vinegar and then rinse with water, it will remove stains and keep your teeth whiter.

4. Feeling tired after a whole day work? Then add a cup apple cider vinegar to your bath water to have a relaxing bath. You can also add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. A hot bath with apple cider vinegar also helps flush out toxins through the skin, so this is also a great detoxification process.

5. Apple cider vinegar helps you detox the whole body. It’s recommended to take it before your meal by mixing 2-3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of tomato juice.

6. Apple cider vinegar is a good ingredient for dressing. For making your food taste great, try these easy-to-make dressing recipes with apple cider vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar with olive oil dressing

  • 3 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 3 tablespoon olive oil
  • A few salt and pepper to taste

Apple cider vinegar, yogurt and honey dressing

  • 3 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 crushed garlic clove
  • 3 tablespoon yogurt
  • 1/4 teaspoon raw honey
  • Salt to taste

Mix the ingredients well and you get a great dressing for salads, vegetables and meats.

7. Apple cider vinegar works effectively to increase your metabolism, this is due to its rich content of vitamins and minerals, especially the high amount of potassium it contains.

8. It’s a simple remedy for relieving a sore throat. Simply mix 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar with 1/4 cup of warm water and gargle with the mixture every hour or as needed.

9. It can help you get rid of dandruff. Add 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar to 4 cups of water and pour over your hair after shampooing. Rinse with water after 1-2 minutes.

10. Want to get rid of acne? Try to mix 1 part apple cider vinegar to 4 parts water. Apply it to the affected area with a cotton pad, leave it for some minutes and rinse with cold water. Do 2-3 times a day.

11. Candida may results in several symptoms, such as lack of energy, bad memory, sugar cravings as well as yeast infections. Apple cider vinegar helps you get rid of candida due to its natural enzymes. Add 2 cups of apple cider vinegar to a bathtub and soak for half an hour.

12. Take 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar followed by a cup of water will help you deal with heartburn. It works by orrecting low acid, thus reducing heartburn symptoms.

13. The mixture of 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar with 1 cup water is a great solution for cleaning your kitchen and toilet. This mixture also acts as a natural room fresher.

14. It’s highly recommended to add a teaspoon or two of apple cider vinegar when you’re cooking your bone broth. As it will help draw more minerals out of the bones.

15. If you’re suffering from painful sunburn, use apple cider vinegar. Mix a cup of apple cider vinegar in a lukewarm bath to soothe the uncomfort feeling.

16. It clears a stuffy nose. Add a teaspoon apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drinking, it will give you a relief quickly.

17. It helps relieve migraines by mixing 2 tablespoon apple cider vinegar, 2 tablespoon raw honey in a cup water. Drink it twice a day.

18. Add 2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar to 16 oz of water and sip this solution throughout the day, it will promote weight loss.

19. It’s also a fantastic ingredient for flea redution. Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar and 1 part water and spray it on your pets’ skin to repell the fleas on your pets.

20. It works well to help you get rid of hiccups.

The benefits of apple cider vinegar to health are still not stopping here, it also:

  1. Prevents flu
  2. Reduces inflammation from arthritis
  3. Aids digestion
  4. Improves sleep
  5. Strengthens bones
  6. Eases constipation
  7. Treats ear infections
  8. Helps treat eczema
  9. Lowers blood pressure
  10. Relieves Gout
  11. Balances the body’s pH level
  12. Lowers cholesterol
  13. Reduces blood glucose level in diabetics
  14. Removes nail fungus
  15. Soothes bug bites

Now you know, apple cider vinegar is really a miracle product that can be used in so many different ways. Do you have more creative ways to use it in your daily life? Share with us.

Sources: justcleansing.com/mindbodygreen.com

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Heidi Kristoffer
I am Heidi Kristoffer, as an expert on natural health and holistic medicine, I am willing to help people live happier capable lives by sharing my health opinions with others. I am good at writing topics such as: medicine, natural remedies, foods and mental health. I think living a simple and healthy life, including eating healthy, exercising regularly and positively thinking, is the best medicine.