Entries by Amy Goodrich


Amy is a life and food lover, certified biologist, and holistic health coach. She is the founder of the healthy lifestyle website www.Body-in-Balance.org and creator of the online program, www.ThinForever.me. After successfully changing her family’s health and happiness, she’s on a mission to help other people achieve the life and body they want. You can find here on Facebook or Google+ or get her free clean, whole food recipe eBook here: http://www.body-in-balance.org/amys-home-kitchen-recipe-book/

Alzheimer’s Patient Reverses Symptoms by Applying Coconut Oil On A Daily Basis

Carolyn, the devoted daughter of an 88-year-old women who has Alzheimer’s recently decided to take charge of her mother’s care. The almost immediate results she saw were drastic and inspiring. Additionally, the simple change she implemented in her mom’s life… 0 Shares |

Here’s What Will Happen To Your Body When You Add Turmeric To Your Morning Lemon Water

Starting your day with lukewarm lemon water is one of the best things you can do for your body. Lemons are loaded with vitamin C, B, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, enzymes, antioxidants, and fibers. Next to adding a host of… 0 Shares |

Chemotherapy Recovery – Caring for Yourself after Chemo

Chemotherapy is the most common treatment for cancer. While it may be effective, those who underwent the procedure went home with little to no information about what life will be after it. Only a few are aware of how they… 0 Shares |

What Happens When you Stop Eating Meat?

What happens when you stop eating meat? Why is it that when people say that they want to live a healthier lifestyle, one of the first foods that they plan to give up is meat? Does lowering your meat intake… 0 Shares |

What Happens To Your Body When You Consume Watermelon Regularly

Around 92% of watermelon is composed of water, but aside from its refreshing and hydrating effects, it is also rich in essential nutrients that are good for the body. Each refreshing bite can provide your body with sufficient amounts of… 0 Shares |

Sleeping In A Cold Room: Why Everyone Should Do This

Sleep is a vital health determinant. It is the time when the body relaxes from all the strains of daily activities and gets a chance to attend to itself. This is also the time for repair, healing, and recovery. The… 0 Shares |

Rejuvenate Your Breasts with Pineapple – Here’s How

Are you unhappy with the shape and lift of your breasts? Sagging breasts are often inevitable as the female body starts to lose its elasticity and firmness. Even women in their 20s and 30s can suffer from sagging breasts if… 0 Shares |

Easy and Cheap Ways to Eat Organic Food

Eating healthy is becoming a big priority for people of all ages. One healthy eating habit that’s proving to be very popular these days is eating organic foods. However, some people are hesitant to try it because they think a… 0 Shares |

Harvard Scientist Urges People To Stop Drinking Low Fat Milk

Low fat dairy might seem like the ideal choice to retain in your diet, but it’s far from being the healthy option. A Harvard scientist, David Ludwig, is urging individuals to be aware of the dangers of low fat milk.… 0 Shares |

The Dangers of Statins – The Flipside of Cholesterol-Lowering Medications

Statistics show that about a quarter of Americans from age 45 and above are taking statin drugs. This is also the estimated number of Americans who should start asking themselves whether it is still worth it to continue taking the… 0 Shares |