Entries by Rene Epps

Rene Epps

A Natural born artist, Growing of many Medicinal herbal plants, Herbalist teacher, certified Massage therapist, Lover of Nature and Creation. “To learn more about the authors please visit: https://www.healingherbsbyrene.com, https://www.HealingMoringaTree.com


MEDICAL CANNABIS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN (THC) and (CBD) Cannabis plants produce a unique family of terpeno-phenolic compounds called cannabinoids, which produce the “high” one experiences from consuming marijuana.  There are 483 identifiable chemical constituents known to exist in the cannabis… 0 Shares |

Detoxification methods for heavy metals

Detoxification methods for heavy metals: From the beginning of time man has performed some duty of detoxification method through fasting or by merely eating the directed herbs in which to specifically cleanse the liver.  As we see the concept of… 0 Shares |

Mind Over Matter To A Healthier You! Remembered Wellness

Mind Over Matter To A Healthier You Remembered Wellness!   In more than 30 years of practicing medicine, I have found that the most impressive healing force… one that is universally accessible… Healing is the power of the individual to… 0 Shares |

Extinguishing The Different Types of Heartburn

Extinguishing The Different Types of Heartburn   How to Extinguish Each Type of Heartburn It’s all too familiar, that burning sensation spreading upward from the chest.  Heart-burn afflicts more than 100 million Americans, and we spend $3 billion each year… 0 Shares |

Botanical Herbal Medicines To Reduce Blood Sugar Levels

Botanical Herbal Medicines To Reduce Blood Sugar Levels! In the 1980’s before insulin came into practice, diabetics were treated using plant medicines.  History documented that the World Health Organization urged researchers to examine whether traditional medicines produced any beneficial clinical… 0 Shares |

Antioxidants And Free Radicals

Antioxidants And Free Radicals! A free radical is a highly reactive molecule that can bind to and destroy body components.  This oxidative damage is what makes us age.  Free radicals have been known for initiating the disease process and are… 0 Shares |

The Intricate Details About The Moringa Tree

The Intricate Details About The Moringa Tree! Growing a Moringa Tree can be challenging, they grow best in warm tropical weather. In this type of weather this will allow the moringa oleifera species to be exact, to grow continually without… 0 Shares |

7 top Natural First-Aid kits and Remedies

7 top Natural First-Aid kits and Remedies! Herbal medicines to help prepare you and your family can be as simple as stocking your medicine cabnet with versatile herbs that can be used to treat minor injuries.  As you begin to… 0 Shares |

Uterine Fibroids and vaginal infections

Uterine Fibroids and vaginal infections Many women have encountered some sort of vaginal yeast infection or even battled with a case of uterine fibroids.  For the yeast infection; a fungus called candida which is also a natural resident in the… 0 Shares |

Top 10 Respiratory System Intestinal Tract Herbal Remedies

Top 10 Respiratory System Intestinal Tract Herbal Remedies!  The respiratory system supports over 20,000 breaths taken on an average per day.  The diaphragm gives the lungs respiratory strength drawing air to supply the body with oxygen.  Oxygen then enters the… 0 Shares |