Entries by Christine . S

Only 13% of americans get enough veggies, CDC study finds
Kids aren’t the only ones who need to be reminded to eat their veggies! But changing the notoriously meat-and-potato-heavy American diet is apparently a continuing challenge, even with many government agencies getting involved. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA),… 0 Shares |
5 Natural herbs for every thyroid condition
The thyroid is a tiny, butterfly-shaped gland which rests in the middle of the throat. But while it is tiny, its importance to the body is enormous. Thyroid hormones help regulate energy levels and the body’s metabolism and also affect… 0 Shares |
The top 5 hidden dangers of health sanitizers
By and large, people live in a very germ-conscious world. From the annual threat of the flu to the horrible outbreaks of Ebola in West Africa, people are very aware of the fact that there are many microorganisms out there… 0 Shares |
Top reasons why lemon water is the healthiest drink on earth
If most people are asked, they tend to list a lack of time as a reason for not following healthy habits. And it is true that between work, long commutes, childcare and keeping up with a household, time can certainly… 0 Shares |
Foods you should be eating to boost your brain and body
Let’s face it – most adults suffer from at least some mild fatigue on a day to day basis. Lack of sleep, meals on the run, not enough water or exercise – all these things are built into the typical… 0 Shares |
The truth about coconut oil: Facts you should know
Coconut oil has become a sort of superstar of the natural health world in recent years. It is hard, in fact, to scan any e-magazine or social media site without hearing something about its amazing health benefits. This marks something… 0 Shares |
5 Reason to drink warm lemon-honey water in the morning
Mornings can be the most hectic time of the day. In most American households, there is usually a real scramble to get ready for the day, get the kids to the school bus and then still avoid being late to… 0 Shares |
The Most Functional Foods in the World Which Destroy Cancer Cells
Cancer, despite advances in medicine in recent years, remains a number one killer not only in the United States but around the globe. And traditional treatments like surgery, radiation or chemotherapy are not always successful at killing the cancer off,… 0 Shares |
Top Foods, Additive and Preservatives that are Causing Cancer
Many people think that cancer is just a matter of genetics, a matter of what someone inherits from their family when they are born. And while it is true that if a member of the immediate family (like a parent… 0 Shares |