Entries by Sandy J Duncan


Sandy Duncan is completing her Doctorate in Integrative Medicine, a health and wellness coach, Certified Neurofeedback specialist and author of AllNaturalHealthReviews.org. Read honest reviews on current health and wellness products as well as register for FREE giveaways.

Furniture Polish in My Gelato

Okay, true confession, every now and then I don’t read the labels and I bring home a special “treat” from the grocery store.  We eat very clean and I think it’s okay to relax a bit every now and then.… 0 Shares |

Vaxxed the Movie Prepare to Cry and Shake Your Fist

I just got home from seeing VAXXED the Movie. I am outraged, disgusted and have this huge pit in the bottom of my stomach.  I’ve been writing and researching here on Natural News for over 2 years and have been… 0 Shares |

The 5 Simple Ways to Reduce Shedding that Saved my Marriage

5 Simple Ways to Reduce Shedding that Saved my Marriage How often do you find clumps of dog hair all over the house, clinging to your table legs or even worse stuck all over your black dress pants? Even if… 0 Shares |

Vaccines Forced on Unconscious Patients and How to protect yourself

Vaccines Forced on Unconscious Patients and How to protect yourself Regardless of where you have ever stood in the vaccine discussions, I think we can all agree that giving a vaccine to someone who is unconscious without full disclosure should… 0 Shares |

TPHP Found in Girls just 10 hours after Applying Nail Polish

TPHP found in Girls Researchers at Duke University and Environmental Working Group have concluded that an endocrine-disrupting chemical widely used in popular nail polishes is being absorbed into the wearer’s systems. The researchers found TPHP in the bodies of more… 0 Shares |

5 Toxic Protein Powder Ingredients

5 Toxic Protein Powder Ingredients If you are consuming Protein Powder, it is probably a safe bet that you are trying to increase your fitness and overall health. Many people have already discovered the issues with consuming Soy Protein and… 0 Shares |

Baby Cows grown in tiny crates in Florida: You can help stop this horrific practice

We are finally making strides in reducing animal cruelty in the world. The Ringling Brothers removing elephants from their show and Sea World finally ending the killer whale programs. However, their is a practice still being used with baby cows… 0 Shares |

Amazing All Natural Foaming Hand Soap Just 4 Ingredients

The controversy over the harmful ingredients and the negative effects of anti-bacterial soap are now accepted as fact. Many products are boasting “natural” soap that are in fact full of ingredients that are still not safe. So how about just… 0 Shares |

8 Steps to Regain Cognitive Function and Prevent Dementia

8 Steps to Regain Cognitive Function and Prevent Dementia It is imperative that you balance your blood sugar. Eat real non-processed foods that are low-glycemic for starters. Reduce or remove refined carbs, sugar, caffeine, processed foods, dairy, alcohol (limit) and… 0 Shares |

WiFi and Your Kids Better Safe than Sorry

Wifi and Your Kids Do you ever see a teen these days that doesn’t have a cell phone in their hand or pocket? And when they are at home do they more often than not have a wireless game controller… 0 Shares |