In this recent study, Candida albicans was shown to cause inflammatory and autoimmune reactions that lead to arthritis, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, and many other conditions and diseases.
“This not only demonstrates that the composition of our microflora has a decisive role in the development of chronic illnesses, but also that the key cells causing illness can develop an anti-inflammatory ‘twin’,” explained Dr. Christina Zielinski, first author of the study.
Their work is published in the current issue of the scientific journal Nature.
The 32-year old researcher from the Dermatology and Allergology Clinic at Charité and Berlin-Brandenburg School for Regenerative Therapies, and her colleagues identified the basic signals that contribute to whether or not a pathogenic or anti-inflammatory immune cell develops…
“I am convinced that an imbalance in our microbial microflora has a decisive influence on the development of chronic inflammatory illnesses like rheumatism, Morbus Crohn and psoriasis. Our organism is composed of ten times more microbial cells than our body’s own cells. Keeping this in check is not easy. Interleukin 1b is now turning out to be a decisive molecular switch, which the microbes use to dictate between healthy or sick,” says Dr. Christina Zielinski. She sees great potential in the therapy of inflammatory diseases by blocking this messenger substance. In contrast to other immune therapies this does not lead to a weakening of the immune system, but rather enables the cells instead to be anti-inflammatory if needed, without losing the ability to fight dangerous pathogens.”
Although not identified in this article, pulling up the abstract for this study shows Candida albicans as the cause.
“Taken together these findings demonstrate that by eliciting different cytokines, C. albicans and S. aureus prime TH17 cells that produce either IFN-γ or IL-10, and identify IL-1β and IL-2 as pro- and anti-inflammatory regulators of TH17 cells both at priming and in the effector.”
It also identifies Staph Aureus as being able to counter the inflammatory effects produced by Candida albicans. Normal staph bacteria are beneficial to the skin and the body, whereas staph that has been exposed to antibiotics can cause life-threatening illnesses. Antibiotics are also the main cause of systemic fungal candida. Antibiotics continue to upset the health of all individuals who are exposed to them, either directly through medications or indirectly through conventionally raised foods.
Correcting this imbalance requires a Multi-faceted approach that reverts the fungal form of candida back to it’s normal yeast form, boosts the appropriate immune response (as shown in the article above), detoxifies the body, and helps to restore normal healthy tissue flora. It’s very important not to use anything that is designed to kill candida as this creates other imbalances. Restoring and preserving the balance of the intestinal flora is a very important component to correcting this overall imbalance.
The original article clearly identifies Candida albicans as the cause of these many conditions. The publicly-released article doesn’t identify it, which is an interesting omission.
For better health, Get started with Dr. McCombs Candida Plan.