Native to Asia Quinces are medium sized semi-tropical deciduous trees, growing to about 10 to 15 feet in height. It relative of the apple and pear and belongs to the pome fruit family. Quince is very much like pear in shape and gets a golden-yellowish outer-layer, when mature. Due to the various health benefits of quince fruit, it is also made into jellies and preservatives.
Nutritional Value
Carbohydrates – 15.3 gm
Sugars – 12.53 gm
Dietary fiber – 1.9 gm
Fat – 0.10 gm
Protein – 0.4 gm
Water – 83.8 gm
Vitamin A – 40 μg
Niacin (Vitamin B3) – 0.2 mg
Vitamin B6 – 0.04 mg
Folate (Vitamin B9) – 8 μg
Vitamin C – 15.0 mg
Calcium – 8 mg
Iron – 0.7 mg
Magnesium – 8 mg
Phosphorus – 17 mg
Potassium – 197 mg
Sodium – 4 mg
Energy – 60 kcal (240 kJ)
7 Incredible Health Benefits Of Quince Fruit
Cardiovascular Health
Quince is known for its efficiency in lowering cholesterol. It reduces bad LDL cholesterol and increase Good cholesterol. With increase in healthy cholesterol and decrease in LDL cholesterol blood flow increases. Thus it reduces the blockage of blood flow. So it significantly lower high blood pressure.
Antibacterial Properties
Quince contains antibacterial properties, and is often used to cure bad breath. Because it kills bacteria, it is also a great food for fighting colds and flu. Quince is often made into a skin cream to reduce blemishes and moisturize skin.
The high content of fiber and steady digestion also prevent spikes and crashes in the blood sugar levels. Unsteady sugar levels can be fatal for diabetics.
Improve Digestion
Quince fruit contains good amount of fiber. It’s skin is also rich in fiber. Due to rich fiber it is effective to improve digestion. It also protects from constipation and diarrhea.
Weight Loss
The Quince Is Lower In Calories, Salt, But Full Of Fiber And Also Nutrition C, Consequently. Quince is rich in vitamin and mineral which boost metabolism and promotes weight loss. It also contains dietary fiber which is highly beneficial in burning calories.
Immune Booster
Quince is a very good source of vitamin C, providing 13.8 mg per fruit, which is 23% of the recommended daily value. Vitamin C is believed to boost the immune system and strengthen your bodies defense against disease.
Improve Eyesight
It has been suggested that quinces can treat night blindness. The flavonoid compounds and phytonutrients can reduce the free radicals that cause damage to the eye.
Cancer Preventing
Quince Is Considerable With Anti-oxidants Called Phenolic, Which Indicates Quince Can Without Difficulty Easy Up The Free Radicals That Result In Cancer To Accumulate.
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