When applying your lipstick, the last thing you’re thinking of is the impact it will have on your health. After all, it’s not like it is dangerous – or is it?
Well new research has revealed that your favourite make-up accessory may actually be unleashing a host of harmful chemicals into your body that might be damaging your health.
So far linked to muscle problems, hormone disruptions and poisoning from its heavy metals, lipstick is now also believed to increase your risks of allergies and some forms of arthritis.
How can lipstick damage my health?
The main problem is the chemicals your lipstick contains.
Parabens, methacrylate, lead, cadmium and triclosan are all amongst the substances commonly hidden in your makeup.
Triclosan – this substance in particular has caused a lot of alarm amongst professionals due to its connections with muscle and heart problems. Known to help bacteria to become resistant to antibiotics, within 20 minutes of mice being exposed to triclosan, they experienced a 25% reduction in heart function – a drop which could be replicated in people.
But this is not all…
Alongside affecting your muscles, triclosan has also been linked to thyroid and fertility problems. Believed to increase the number of androgens (male hormones) you produce, this increase can trigger acne, weight gain, excess hair and menstrual dysfunction.
Cadmium and Chromium – both of these heavy metals have been linked to dermatitis, skin inflammation and possible kidney damage. This combined with the fact that it takes your body 40 years to extract them, means absorbing these metals too often can damage your health.
Methacrylate – can irritate your skin.
Lead – left to build up in your body over time, over exposure to this metal can lead to lead poisoning which can damage your brain and nerves.
Most worrying about these revelations is the theory that wearing lipstick at least 3 times a week can increase your chances of developing Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), a form of chronic arthritis, where your body produces antibodies that attack healthy tissue.
What can be done?
Currently these health claims have been dismissed by The Cosmetic, Toiletry and Perfumery Association, as these results are based on research performed on mice, not people.
However, if you’re concerned for your health, then simply ensuring you wear lipstick less than 3 times a week can reduce your risks of developing SLE, nerve damage, infertility problems and lead poisoning, and keep your body safe.
Keith Payne is interested in natural remedies for all issues but has spent the best part of a year researching natural arthritis pain relief as well as the causes of arthritis.
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