Smokers try not to think about the harmful chemicals in cigarettes, while there are more than 4000 chemicals in tobacco smoke and more than 69 of which are known to cause cancer.
Smoking results in various health disorders, some common ones are:
- High blood pressure
- Weakened immune system
- Lower sperm count in men
- Reduced fertility in women
- Irregular menstrual cycle
- Earlier menopause
Here is a list of the harmful chemicals in cigarettes and how they affect our health in other ways.
So, smokers, if you don’t want to face an increased risk for serious health issues from cigarettes, such as heart disease, oral cancer and lung cancer, you should think about quitting. It’s is a challenge to combat your nicotine addition and you might have tried lots of methods in order to quit smoking.
If you are still can not stop this habit, try this natural homemade recipe, it is said that it will make you quit smoking forever. All of the ingredients in this recipe are easy to find in your kitchen:
- a half of grapefruit
- a half of orange
- 30 ml coconut oil
- 5 gr oregano
- 20 ml chamomile tea
- 30 ml jojoba oil
- 30 ml organic olive oil
How to prepare:
Squeeze the juice from the grapefruit and orange, then mix the juice with the other ingredients in a pot, stir it well to get a homogeneous mixture. Save the mixture in small jars.
Take a jar with you and whenever you want to smoke, apply a few drops of the mixture on a piece of cotton to inhale deeply, or simply applied on the skin under the nose.
There are other natural remedies of herbs and foods you can try to quit smoking. Give your body a fighting chance with these nature’s boosters:
1. Oats
Oats has been proven to help flushing out the harmful toxins from the body and lowering the craving for smoking. You can take its benefit by mixing a tablespoon of ground oats in 2 cups of boiled water, leave it for a whole night and boil it the next morning for 10 minutes. Drink it after meals except at night.
2. Cayenne pepper
Cayenne pepper also helps to lowering the craving for smoking, it helps to lessen many other addictive things as well.
3. Radish
Add honey to radish juice and drink 2-3 times a day. Radish is a reliable natural remedy to quit smoking.
4. Grape juice
Drink grape juice regularly will help you quit smoking, as the acidic content of grape juice helps to flush out the nicotine from the body.
5. Ginseng
Ginseng helps to prevent the release of dopamine, a component found in nicotine. You can add a teaspoon of ginseng powder in your meal to reduce the craving for smoking.
6. Lobelia
Lobelia is a very powerful herb that helps to calm the mind and relax the body, it’s also beneficial in lessening the craving for smoking.
More natural herbs that help people quit smoking.
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