Stop Using Deodorant: 3 Reasons You Need to Sweat


I find it interesting that we’re the only living being on the planet that is repulsed by our own scent. Synthetic fragrances and deodorants have grown into a billion dollar industry due to this. Indeed one does not need to travel far before running into the nauseating smell of a person who sprayed their perfume one too many times.

Many seem to look at deodorant as an essential in life. Even children are excited to choose their first deodorant, believing it is a sign of “growing up”.

Here’s 3 reasons why this trend is wrong and needs to stop right now.

1) You Need to Sweat

Modern medicine seems to think the only purpose of sweating is to reduce your body temperature. However our ancestors would disagree and indeed there are studies that state the contrary. Detoxification through sweat can be traced back thousands of years. Just look at the popular sauna for example.

Current research has shown that sweat serves as an avenue for your body to expel harmful toxins. Toxins that have been shown to be eliminated through sweat include mercury, cadmium, and phthalates. In fact the studies show certain toxins seem to have a preference of excretion through sweat instead of urine.

With scientists estimating that all living humans have over 700 foreign chemical toxins in our body, I’d say this is fairly significant information.

2) Anti-Bacterial Benefits

An Antibiotic substance known as dermcidin is produced by our sweat glands and travels via sweat onto our skin. Dermcidin has been found to be extremely effective against bacteria and fungi. This just goes to show that the human body is amazing and well adapted to protecting itself.

3) Deodorant is toxic

Deodorants work by blocking the pores in your armpits with microscopic aluminum metal particles. Synthetic chemical fragrances are used to cover odors. Is it really a wise decision to cover your armpits with aluminum every day for the rest of your life?


There are so many natural alternatives to deodorant that are also way cheaper. I find it incredulous that people still use the synthetic stuff. Eating a clean diet also makes a major difference with odors.

I typically use coconut oil with essential oils or Apple Cider Vinegar but find I rarely require it.

Our ancestors knew the purpose of sweating. Only until recently we now perceive it as an inconvenience. Nature didn’t instill onto us useless functions. There are reasons why you sweat. Choosing to block this function is an unwise decision.



Jake Toughill is an independent writer whom covers topics on health, nutrition, environmental issues and more. His personal website can be found at


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Jake Toughill
Jake Toughill is an independent writer whom covers topics on health, nutrition, environmental issues and more. His personal website can be found at