Speer- Ew- Leen’ Uh- is a blue green microalgae.
It is a natural source of essential phytonutrient, protein, and amino acids. It is available for supplementation in flakes, pill, and powder form.
It contains the minerals Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, and Iron.
Trace Mineral content of Selenium, Manganese, and Zinc.
Providing vitamins B1, B12, and E.
It contains the fatty Acid Gama- Linolenic Acid (GLA).
62% of Spirulina is beneficial amino acids (University of Maryland, 2016).
It has been found to be very low in toxicity even in high amounts. The recommended daily intake is 3-5 grams before meals. Spirulina has shown promising results in infant malnourishment when administered in 3-15g daily before meals.
There are approximately 35 different species, they are found in the oceans tropics and subtropics.
Spirulina has high nutritional value.
- Promotes weight gain in malnourished clients
- Promoted weight loss
- Use as a natural antiviral
- Chemoprotective agent
- Helps symptoms of Fibromyalgia
- Helps fight off infections
- Boosts Immune System
- and helps to decrease cholesterol
Spirulina has been used for centuries in Africa and South America. The most suprising result of studies conducted where the anti-cholesterol, antiviral and immunologic properties (Roth, 2010).
Spriulina has shown to increase greater stores of iron and higher hemoglobin content for those who are pregnant.
Much like fish, all Spirulina should be used with caution due to mercury content.
Always research your product and get it from a reliable source. It is not recommended if you have a thyroid condition. As always speak with a medical professional before starting any supplement.
Be well, and enjoy your Garden of Eating.
Uriia Underhill, B.Sc
Roth, L.(2010) Herbs and Natural Supplements, 4th Edition, pg. 575) Mosby.
University of Maryland, (2016) Medical Center, Medical Reference Guide, Spirulina, retrieved from http://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/supplement/spirulina